
Welcome on the site of the Netherlands Economic Medal Cabinet – Nederlands Economisch PenningKabinet, NEPK for short.

NEPK is a collection of presently over 2800 (mainly Dutch) medals, broadly related to economic activities. The language of the NEPK database is Dutch. However, the present website is bilingual Dutch – English. It facilitates English language users in the collection, and provides classifications with predefined English language keywords.

Search the collection

Through the tab “Search in Collection” you can simply search the collection across all available fields, using your own keywords. An advanced search option allows to specify keywords in specific database fields, such as Inventory number, Subject, Text Obverse, Text Reverse, Medallist, Period and/or References. Pull down menus allow the visitor to specify predefined keywords for three types of medal classifications and geographic origin (Continent, Country, Province or State, City). These English language keywords are internally translated into Dutch, in order to effectively search the database.

Images of obverse and reverse are included in accordance with legal stipulations on pictorial rights.

Location of NEPK

The NEPK collection is housed at Erasmus University Rotterdam, campus Woudestein. Two medal presentations can be viewed in the Erasmus Gallery in the Erasmus Building. These presentations make use of interactive touchscreen display cases. For further information on opening times and how to get there, please click Contact.

Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie van de site.
